11. nov. 2012

Sister Chain & Brother John - Satan Said

Here it is! My second music video. It was mentioned earlier on this blog when I wrote about the Marzipan Marzipan music video. But now "Satan Said" by Sister Chain & Brother John is finally finished - and actually also premiered on one of Denmark's best music websites Undertoner.dk.

It was filmed in late September 2012 in Victoria Park in Kreuzberg, Berlin - the night before I filmed the Marzipan Marzipan video. We only filmed for two hours. Then we had no more petroleum for the "feuer peu"-things. It was a full moon, but you can't see that in the video. The camera does not pick that up when it's video. Especially with the lense I had at my disposal. The park didn't have any electrical lights, which was what I hoped for. Still, the moon managed to cast shadows from the trees. It was that bright.

We filmed on the plateau below the monument and above the waterfall which allowed us to use the rather "gothic-looking" gates there. I hadn't noticed the gates the first time I was there. Nice bonus.
The full moon had the park well-lit, so some people were actually taking a night time stroll in the park. But they didn't interfere with the filming, which was nice. We filmed from about 23.30 to 01.30 and I had to act the part of "director". Hadn't thought about that. "Stand there", "Do this", "Move over here", "Do that again". Got to remember to get in character for that the next time. Although, the video I shot the next day in the middle of the Berlin Marathon didn't require many instructions. In the end, two quite different videos.
With the night time video I had to film things closer to the fire than planned. It simply didn't give off enough light to illuminate anything in the background even close to the fire. I should also have had a more light sensitive lense for the camera. But I don't have all the necessary equipment yet. And it's still a learning experience. All in all I am quite happy with the finished video.
I used natural light only. Kind of in the spirit of the band - old-fashioned, Victorian, analogue and so forth. Actually, Stanley Kubrick only used natural light in his "Barry Lyndon" film, if I remember correctly. But no further comparison, just now. ;-)
The original idea for the video came when the "fire girl" Lisa did a performance on the terrace at Kugelbahn when the band had their release party there earlier in the year. There she performed to the recorded version of "The Gambler". But for the video we chose "Satan Said". Fits well with the infernal visuals, no? :-)
Below is a picture I shot with a slow shutter speed to catch the monument in the moonlight. Luckily the camera was on a tripod.

If you're interested in the album you can download it at Bandcamp, Amazon and iTunes. Or buy the LP at SOPA, Pale Music or Rillbar etc. You can find the links on the album website.


6. nov. 2012

Premiering A Movie

Den 20. december 2011 skrev jeg lidt i spøg, at jeg ikke skulle skrive mere om min dokumentarfilm før jeg kunne bruge overskriften "Premiering A Movie". Den 2. november 2012 var så endelig dagen, hvor "First You Close Your Eyes" kunne blive vist for offentligheden. Det skete i Århus' "kultbiograf" Slagtehal 3 til releasefesten Esther Marias album "The Abyss", som filmen handler om. Albummet er først blevet klar til release nu, så det er grunden til at filmen har måtte vente lidt med at se dagens lys.

Når man har filmet og siddet timevis og redigeret hver en lille detalje af filmen er den svær at se - og nyde - som den film den er. Men da jeg stod bagerst i lokalet under fremvisningen kom jeg alligevel lidt tættere på publikums oplevelse. Ikke blot via deres reaktioner undervejs, men også at jeg pludselig automatisk satte mig i deres sted. En scene var pludselig meget længere end jeg huskede den, når jeg så den gennem deres øjne. Sådan føltes det i hvert fald.

Responsen var virkelig overvældende. Meget positive tilkendegivelser fra publikum - og jeg fik endda også noget rigtig god konstruktiv kritik med hjem, som jeg værdsætter meget. Alt i alt en skøn aften.

Nu er opgaven måske at lave en "musik+film" aften mere et sted, hvis vi kan få det sat op. Og ja, ellers kan bandet jo også bruge filmen, som det har lyst til, hvis muligheden byder sig til ved fremtidige koncerter. Jeg vil så samtidig undersøge om der evt. er nogle tv-kanaler eller websites, der kunne tænke sig at vise den. Vi får se. I sidste ende skal den i øvrigt nok komme på nettet i sin fulde længde.

Er man journalist, musikblogger eller lignende og interesseret i filmen og/eller albummet, så sender jeg gerne en dvd. Bare skriv til lsd_dk @ hotmail . com.


Filmens website: www.larsdideriksen.com/firstyoucloseyoureyes
Esther Marias website www.esthermaria.com

Fotos taget af mig - pånær det første, der er taget af Gydde Madsen.